01 02 03 Just Run Jim: Multiple Marathoning...No 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Multiple Marathoning...No

I was a little disappointed after my spring marathon.  The effort was there but I think I was short on fitness.  The desire to run in Boston next year is the motivating factor.   In the four weeks since Carmel, I've been doing Pfitz's multiple marathoning plan with four weeks between races.   The goal was to run the Chicagoland Spring marathon tomorrow.   

It really leaves little time for recovery or what some call a severe inverse taper.   My mileage has been 19.5, 40.6, 46.2 and 30.5 so far this week.  I am shocked my body has bounced back so quickly.   Even finding extra speed with Saturday club runs at marathon pace.   But I've decided to skip another 26.2.   With such a short turn around it could have been epic or epic fail.   The predicted weather tomorrow is 70F at the start and hitting 83F at some point tomorrow.   One thing I know is that Heat + 26.2 + Me = Hot Slow Mess (aka EPIC fail).  I decided last week that there was no way I could run fast.

Instead I'll run the Seven Bridges Season Starter 5k which is part of the CARA race circuit.   The 5k is whole different kind of pain for a long distance runner.   One of my goals this year was to run a sub 21 minute 5k.   I decided to plug my recent races into Running Ahead's race predictor.

Hmmm, 20:59?!   Here goes nothing.

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